Saturday, July 12, 2014


He be thinking he is blacker than me, darker than me
His head more nappy headed than mine
His consciousness can never be greater than mine
I'm finer than wine – straighter than pine
His thoughts and words can never go deeper than mine
Lines I cross he can never define
I undoubtedly do what he definitely fears .

Question the unfathomable mysteries of life.

He says he has consciousness cause in his lines
He mentions Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko
He says he has consciousness cause his accent
                Is straight up ‘African’
Oh, he has consciousness cause he walks bare foot
Plays drums and eats food with his hands.

Oh he has consciousness al-right, I won’t fight
Oxford meaning of the word
Consciousness:  The state of being conscious > the fact of awareness
by the mind of itself and the world.
Ones awareness or perception of something.
Hm`          … consciousness…

With considerably consistent effort to try and teach a man
                     A black man
I have now came to a conclusion
he has fallen victim to conspicuous conspiracy
Consequence, unknown
Unknown to him but known to me
For I am the knower of unknown knowns

Who am I you ask?
                “I am God” 

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